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Carron Lifestyle Magazine Issue 4
The fourth issue of the Carron Magazine takes a look at all things design. From incorporating the latest trends to inexpensive upgrades for your bathroom.
- An introduction to the new Carron Editions range.
- Your guide to creating the perfect bathroom sanctuary
- A how-to on the new bathroom trend: Statement Wallpaper

Carron Lifestyle Magazine Issue 3
The third issue of the Carron Magazine saw a focus on health and wellbeing and how bathing can help with the day to day stresses of life.
- A full guide to our Whirlpool systems
- The Art of Bathing with Suzanne Duckett
- Furry Friends: Helping you and your dog get the most of your bathroom

Carron Lifestyle Magazine Issue 2
Issue of the Magazine introduced both ColourMatch and the Highgate range to the market.
- An interview with the team behind bath and body brand, Arran, Sense of Scotland
- A look at the modern history of Carron Bathrooms
- A guide to choosing baths for showering

Carron Lifestyle Magazine Issue 1
Our first Magazine takes a look at Carron Bathrooms from a consumer viewpoint with lifestyle and interior tips combined with Carron product and service guides.
- Glasgow's McKay Flooring give us the insight into using wood in the bathroom
- Destination Spotlight: The Lodges at Cameron House
- A detailed look at our unique Carronite system